Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 1545
New York, NY 10159
Free Line: 1-877-588-7904 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. (ThyCa) is a national nonprofit organization of thyroid cancer survivors, families, and health care professionals dedicated to educate, communicate, and support early detection for thyroid cancer. ThyCa offers a toll-free survivors’ line, publications, e-mail support groups, local support groups, a person-to-person network, newsletters, and conferences. ThyCa also offers a free packet of educational materials for newly diagnosed patients. In addition, ThyCa is active in raising funds and providing grants for thyroid cancer research. The organization has volunteers who are fluent in Spanish, and sections of the Web site are available in Spanish.
Categorías: Other Cancers, Thyroid, Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups