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There are 7 organizations that may meet your needs.
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American Lung Association
55 W. Wacker Drive
Suite 1150
Chicago, IL 60601
Free Line: 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The mission of the American Lung Association® (ALA) is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy, and research. Their online Resource Library provides lung cancer patients, and their loved ones, with information on diagnosis and treatment, educational videos, and research. Additional resources include their Lung Helpline and online support communities. Assistance with smoking cessation is available through their Freedom from Smoking programs. Phone and online resources are available in English and Spanish.
Categorías: Lung, Advocacy, Counseling, Educational Programs , Support Groups is the official benefits website of the U.S. Government. The website, available in English and Spanish, is designed to help users find government benefit and assistance programs across multiple Federal agencies. Benefit Finder’s confidential prescreening questionnaire helps users identify which government benefits they may be eligible to receive.
Categorías: General Living Expenses, Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Lodging & Travel, Scholarships & Camps, Counseling
Cancer Support Community
734 15th Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Local Phone: 202-659-9709 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-888-793-9355 (Responds to calls in multiple languages)
The Cancer Support Community (CSC) is dedicated to providing emotional support for individuals affected by cancer, including their families and friends. With its online community and global network of 175 locations, the CSC offers a variety of free services, including: support groups, counseling, cancer education, navigating costs, publications, webinars, personal patient websites (MyLifeLine), and healthy lifestyle programs. The CSC also conducts research and advocates for those whose lives have been disrupted by cancer. Select online resources are available in Spanish, Chinese, and other languages. The Cancer Support Helpline’s licensed counselors provide guidance, resources and support to cancer patients or their loved ones. Counseling is available in over 200 languages. For longer-term support, referrals to local mental health professionals are available.
Categorías: Advocacy, Counseling, Educational Programs , Lodging & Travel, Support Groups
275 Seventh Avenue
22nd Floor
New York, NY 10001
Local Phone: 212-712-8400 (Administrative)
Free Line: 1-800-813-4673 (1-800-813-HOPE) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
CancerCare provides free, professional support services and information to help anyone affected by cancer. Services include individual and group counseling, support groups, educational workshops, publications, practical help and referrals. Limited financial assistance may be available for select cancer-related expenses. Information on current programs is available online or by calling CancerCare directly. Short-term counseling is provided by oncology social workers and is available in-person (at their local offices), online or over the telephone. Many resources, including counseling, are available in Spanish.
Categorías: Medication (includes co-payments), Counseling, Educational Programs , Support Groups
Catholic Charities USA
2050 Ballenger Ave
Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314
Local Phone: 703-549-1390 (Responds to calls in English only)
Catholic Charities USA is a national network of agencies serving poor and vulnerable persons and families, regardless of faith. There are member agencies in nearly every state and in many U.S. territories which offer services based on the needs of the local community. Examples of services that may be available include: food banks, soup kitchens, home delivered meals, temporary shelter, transitional housing, health-related services, immigration and refugee services and counseling and mental health. Find a local agency at the link below:
Categorías: General Living Expenses, Lodging & Travel, Counseling
National Foundation for Credit Counseling
2000 M St. NW Suite 505 Washington, DC 20036 Local Phone: 202-677-4300 Free Line: 1-800-388-2227 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) is the nation's largest financial counseling organization. NFCC member agencies provide a variety of free and affordable services, including counseling on credit and debt matters, housing, and bankruptcy. Comprehensive money management services are tailored to the client’s individual needs. The website provides information on consumer services, tools and education. Clients can also schedule an appointment with a certified credit counselor online. Resources are available in English and Spanish.
Categorías: Counseling, Educational Programs
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Helpline
P.O. Box 204
Norwood, NJ 07648
Local Phone: 646-942-0242
Free Line: 1-877-880-8622 (1-877-880-TNBC) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation (TNBC), in partnership with CancerCare, offers free, professional support services to anyone affected by triple negative breast cancer. Online resources include information on diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, publications, and a variety of educational and support forums. The TNBC Helpline, available in English and Spanish, is staffed by experienced oncology social workers with specific knowledge of the disease. Helpline staff can also connect callers with CancerCare services, including: co-pay assistance, transportation and other social services.
Categorías: Breast, Lodging & Travel, Medication (includes co-payments), Counseling