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There are 5 organizations that may meet your needs.

250 Williams Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Local Phone: 404-320-3333 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-227-2345 (1-800-ACS-2345) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization. In addition to providing a wide variety of services and programs for cancer patients, family, friends, and caregivers, the ACS also supports cancer research, advocacy, and education. The Cancer Helpline, available 24 hours/day, connects callers with trained staff that can help answer general questions about cancer, recent diagnoses and treatment. Cancer Information Specialists can also provide information on support services and assist in finding local and national financial assistance programs.

Information is available in both English and Spanish, with select topics available in 11 other languages.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, some services and programs may have been suspended. For up-to-date information on available services, visit the Support Programs and Services web page or contact the ACS at the phone number above.

ACS programs and services include:
Health Insurance Assistance Service: health insurance specialists provide information for those who have lost, or are in danger of losing, their health care coverage
Hope Lodge: lodging for patients and caregivers
I Can Cope: online cancer education classes for patients and loved ones
Online Support Communities
Reach to Recovery: breast cancer support
Road to Recovery: rides to treatment
tlc (Tender Loving Care): catalog and website of hair loss and mastectomy products
Categorías: Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Lodging & Travel, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Medication (includes co-payments), Screening, Treatment, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Recursos adicionales:

The Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC) is a coalition of organizations that help cancer patients manage financial and practical challenges. Patients and health care providers can search the CFAC online database for cancer support organizations by diagnosis, location, and/or type of assistance. While CFAC cannot respond to individual requests for financial assistance, patients may contact member organizations directly for information and assistance.
Categorías: General Living Expenses, Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Lodging & Travel, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Medication (includes co-payments), Scholarships & Camps, Treatment
Recursos adicionales:

Free Line: 1-800-395-5665 (1-800-395-LOOK) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
Look Good...Feel Better® (LGFB) is a free national public service program that helps individuals with cancer look good, improve their self-esteem, and manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence. LGFB offers advice to cope with the appearance-related side effects of treatment through group programs, a toll-free information and referral line, self-help kits, one-on-one consultations, and brochures. The LGFB Web site contains various make-over steps, hair help, and before and after photos. The program also has a self-help brochure for men who are seeking information on appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. Translators for many other languages are available to respond to calls.
Categorías: International, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Educational Programs

115 Broadway
Suite 1301
New York, NY 10006
Local Phone: 212-349-2910
Free Line: 1-800-500-9976
The Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF) is a voluntary health organization devoted to funding lymphoma research and providing patients and health care professionals with information on the disease. LRF’s support programs include the Lymphoma Support Network, a one-to-one peer support program that matches lymphoma patients or caregivers with volunteers who have had similar lymphoma-related experiences. Trained staff members are available to answer questions, offer individual support, and search for clinical trials on the Lymphoma Helpline and Clinical Trials Information Service. LRF’s Patient Aid Grant program provides limited assistance to lymphoma patients currently undergoing treatment for help with medical bills, transportation, temporary lodging, and childcare.

The research goals of LRF are focused on engaging and educating junior researchers and bringing together investigators focusing on specific diseases or other focal points. The Foundation has launched several special research programs, including an initiative to study mantle cell lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that is especially challenging to treat. The Foundation advocates on behalf of the lymphoma community to increase federal funding for lymphoma research and education, and to ensure access to high-quality cancer care for every patient.

Categorías: Hodgkin Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, General Living Expenses, Lodging & Travel, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs

2288 Fulton St.
Suite 307
Berkeley, CA 94704
Local Phone: 510-809-1660 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-541-3259 (Responds to calls in English only)
The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) provides education and guidance to lymphedema patients, health care professionals, and the general public by providing information on the prevention and management of primary and secondary lymphedema. The NLN provides referrals to lymphedema treatment centers, health care professionals, training programs, and support groups. Lymphedema garments are also available for patients who meet eligibility criteria. Limited information is available in Spanish.

Information is available on the website or via the toll-free number. If you call the toll-free number, you may need to leave a voicemail message.
Categorías: Childhood, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Treatment, Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Recursos adicionales:
Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement by the National Cancer Institute. Please submit this form if you would like us to consider adding your organization. The form also describes our inclusion criteria.