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National Cancer Institue

Home \ Results (15) \ Oral (1)

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Based on your choices, there is 1 organization that may meet your needs.

Post Office Box 53
Locust Valley, NY 11560
Free Line: 1-800-377-0928 (Responds to calls in English only)
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the emotional and physical needs of people with oral and head and neck cancer. The organization offers support groups facilitated by local chapters; current information on oral and head and neck cancer through its newsletter, "News From SPOHNC,"; free publications on topics such as treatment for head and neck cancer and dental care, recipes and resource guide to cope with eating challenges, and a survivor’s guide. SPOHNC also offers a National Survivor Volunteer Network, which pairs survivors or family members with volunteers who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment program.
Categories: Head and Neck, Oral, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement by the National Cancer Institute. Please submit this form if you would like us to consider adding your organization. The form also describes our inclusion criteria.