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National Cancer Institue

Home \ Results (48) \ Cervical (1)

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PO Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Local Phone: 818-992-4242 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-685-5531 (Responds to calls in English only)
The National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving women with, or at risk for, cervical cancer and HPV disease. Its mission is to promote prevention through education about early vaccination, Pap testing and HPV testing, when recommended. Services include access to online educational materials (publications, videos and webinars), a variety of patient and family support resources, and information on free/low-cost Pap testing. Some resources are available in Spanish.
Categories: Cervical, Screening, Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement by the National Cancer Institute. Please submit this form if you would like us to consider adding your organization. The form also describes our inclusion criteria.