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American Cancer Society
250 Williams Street NW Atlanta, GA 30303 Local Phone: 404-320-3333 (Responds to calls in English only) Free Line: 1-800-227-2345 (1-800-ACS-2345) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization. In addition to providing a wide variety of services and programs for cancer patients, family, friends, and caregivers, the ACS also supports cancer research, advocacy, and education. The Cancer Helpline, available 24 hours/day, connects callers with trained staff that can help answer general questions about cancer, recent diagnoses and treatment. Cancer Information Specialists can also provide information on support services and assist in finding local and national financial assistance programs. Information is available in both English and Spanish, with select topics available in 11 other languages. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, some services and programs may have been suspended. For up-to-date information on available services, visit the Support Programs and Services web page or contact the ACS at the phone number above. ACS programs and services include: Health Insurance Assistance Service: health insurance specialists provide information for those who have lost, or are in danger of losing, their health care coverage Hope Lodge: lodging for patients and caregivers I Can Cope: online cancer education classes for patients and loved ones Online Support Communities Reach to Recovery: breast cancer support Road to Recovery: rides to treatment tlc (Tender Loving Care): catalog and website of hair loss and mastectomy products
Categories: Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Lodging & Travel, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Medication (includes co-payments), Screening, Treatment, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
American Childhood Cancer Organization
Post Office Box 498
Kensington, MD 20895
Local Phone: 301-962-3520 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-855-858-2226 (Responds to calls in English only)
The American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) provides information about childhood cancer, treatment protocols, medication, and research to families with children or adolescents with cancer. Through hospital and community-based programs, local affiliates provide direct support to patients and their families. Support resources include face-to-face and online support groups, childhood cancer camps, as well as free publications and kits. Affiliates may also provide emergency financial assistance for rent or mortgage payments, car repairs, transportation, pre-paid gas cards, and groceries. More information on financial assistance is available on ACCO’s website.
Categories: Childhood, General Living Expenses, Lodging & Travel, Scholarships & Camps, Advocacy, Support Groups
American Lung Association
55 W. Wacker Drive
Suite 1150
Chicago, IL 60601
Free Line: 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The mission of the American Lung Association® (ALA) is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy, and research. Their online Resource Library provides lung cancer patients, and their loved ones, with information on diagnosis and treatment, educational videos, and research. Additional resources include their Lung Helpline and online support communities. Assistance with smoking cessation is available through their Freedom from Smoking programs. Phone and online resources are available in English and Spanish.
Categories: Lung, Advocacy, Counseling, Educational Programs , Support Groups
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
4520 East West Hwy Suite 610 Bethesda, MD 20814 Local Phone: 301-215-9099 (Responds to calls in English only) Free Line: 1-888-901-2226 (1-888-901-BCAN) (Responds to calls in English only)
The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness, advancing research, and providing educational and support services to the bladder cancer community. Online resources include educational materials, webinars, and access to online and in-person support services for patients and loved ones. BCAN also conducts patient forums at various sites across the country.
Categories: Bladder, Other Cancers, Advocacy, Support Groups
Cancer and Careers
159 West 25th St
8th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Local Phone: 646-929-8032 (Responds to calls in English only)
Cancer and Careers empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in the workplace. A variety of programs provide cancer patients and survivors with information needed to navigate the practical and legal challenges that follow a diagnosis. Online resources, available in English and Spanish, include career coaching, information on conducting a job search, resume review services, interviewing tips, free publications, support groups, and educational seminars. There are also resources specific to healthcare providers, employers, and coworkers. Callers may be asked to send an email with questions, or to leave a message.
Categories: Educational Programs , Legal Issues, Support Groups
Cancer Support Community
734 15th Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Local Phone: 202-659-9709 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-888-793-9355 (Responds to calls in multiple languages)
The Cancer Support Community (CSC) is dedicated to providing emotional support for individuals affected by cancer, including their families and friends. With its online community and global network of 175 locations, the CSC offers a variety of free services, including: support groups, counseling, cancer education, navigating costs, publications, webinars, personal patient websites (MyLifeLine), and healthy lifestyle programs. The CSC also conducts research and advocates for those whose lives have been disrupted by cancer. Select online resources are available in Spanish, Chinese, and other languages. The Cancer Support Helpline’s licensed counselors provide guidance, resources and support to cancer patients or their loved ones. Counseling is available in over 200 languages. For longer-term support, referrals to local mental health professionals are available.
Categories: Advocacy, Counseling, Educational Programs , Lodging & Travel, Support Groups
275 Seventh Avenue
22nd Floor
New York, NY 10001
Local Phone: 212-712-8400 (Administrative)
Free Line: 1-800-813-4673 (1-800-813-HOPE) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
CancerCare provides free, professional support services and information to help anyone affected by cancer. Services include individual and group counseling, support groups, educational workshops, publications, practical help and referrals. Limited financial assistance may be available for select cancer-related expenses. Information on current programs is available online or by calling CancerCare directly. Short-term counseling is provided by oncology social workers and is available in-person (at their local offices), online or over the telephone. Many resources, including counseling, are available in Spanish.
Categories: Medication (includes co-payments), Counseling, Educational Programs , Support Groups
The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation
5526 West 13400 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84096
Local Phone: 801-999-0455 (Responds to calls in English only)
The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation strives to unite patients, physicians, caregivers, and public and private institutions in the collaboration, understanding, research, and education of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). Their mission is to find a cure and improve the quality of life for those affected by cholangiocarcinoma We fund research, offer an annual conference, and provide patient/caregiver education and advocacy. We offer publications in English, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese.
Categories: Other Cancers, Support Groups
CureSearch for Children's Cancer
4600 East West Highway
Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814-3457
Free Line: Toll Free: 1-800-458-6223
CureSearch for Children's Cancer is a national non-profit foundation that funds and supports innovative childhood cancer research at all points along the research continuum from fellowships for young investigators to funding research which may lead to new treatments. The website also provides information and resources for patients and loved ones affected by children's cancer. Topics include school support, community support, grieving and palliative care.
Categories: Childhood, Support Groups
Dear Jack Foundation
1840B W. Littleton Blvd
Littleton , CO 80120
The Dear Jack Foundation provides impactful programs benefiting adolescents and young adults (AYA) diagnosed with cancer and their families to improve their quality of life from treatment to survivorship. Their vision is to be a national leader in AYA cancer programming, by giving patients, survivors, and their caregivers a community and support rooted in mental and physical wellness-based tools and resources from diagnosis through survivorship. They offer various programs including, LifeList, a wish granting program for individuals in active treatment, and Breathe Now, a retreat offered to survivors and their partners. They also offer a community and mental health initiative digital space created to provide AYA cancer patients, survivors, and thrivers with access to virtual get-togethers, resources, and mental health support. Support services and resources are available in English and Spanish.
Categories: General Living Expenses, Lodging & Travel, Counseling, Educational Programs , Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer
1700 K Street NW
Suite 660
Washington, DC 20006
Local Phone: 202-463-2080
Free Line: 1-800-298-2436 (Lung Cancer Helpline)
GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer (formerly the Lung Cancer Alliance) is dedicated to improving the lives of those living with or at risk of lung cancer. Through the Lung Cancer Helpline, callers can access free one-on-one support, educational materials, guidance on screening, treatment and clinical trials, referrals and a variety of other resources. Programs include peer-to-peer support, support groups and online patient communities, clinical trial matching, webinars, and monthly presentations. Most resources, including their Helpline, are available in English only.
Categories: Lung, Screening, Treatment, Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
HIS Breast Cancer Awareness
1 S. Iroquois Avenue
Margate City, NJ 08402
HIS Breast Cancer Awareness educates and supports those at risk of or diagnosed with male breast cancer. They provide information packets, how to perform a self-breast exam (as a man), hereditary cancer risk factors and support groups. Their website is designed to help educate, provide resources and support with our expert medical advisors, genetic counselors and programs. Support services and resources are available in English and Spanish.
Categories: Breast, International, Screening, Treatment, Advocacy, Counseling, Educational Programs , Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Imerman Angels
205 W. Randolph, 19th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
Free Line: 866-IMERMAN (463-7626)
Imerman Angels provides one-on-one support to cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers in the United States and internationally. Those seeking support are matched with someone with a similar background, either as a patient or caregiver. Matches are based on type of cancer, age, and gender. Volunteers lend support and empathy while helping patients and caregivers navigate the system, determine their options, and create their own support system. Mentors and mentees communicate in whatever way they choose; examples include connecting by telephone, email, video chat, and face-to-face.
Categories: Support Groups
International Association of Laryngectomees
Suite 316
925B Peachtree Street, NE.
Atlanta, GA 30309
Local Phone: 678-767-2955 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-866-425-3678 (1-866-IAL-FORU) (Responds to calls in English only); 1-800-305-0117 (Speak to a Larynx Cancer Survivor in English only)
The International Association of Laryngectomees (IAL) is a nonprofit, voluntary organization composed of member clubs and recognized regional organizations. These clubs are generally known as Lost Chord or New Voice clubs. Club membership ranges from 10 to more than 300 laryngectomees. The purpose of the IAL is to assist these local clubs in their efforts toward the total rehabilitation of the laryngectomee. The IAL exchanges ideas and disseminates information to member clubs and to the public, facilitates the formation of new clubs, fosters improvement in laryngectomee programs, and improves the minimum standards for teachers of post-laryngectomy speech. The IAL Voice Institute trains laryngectomees and prospective instructors of speech in an intensive 5-day course that emphasizes speech restoration as the central component to multidisciplinary total rehabilitation. A directory of laryngectomee-experienced speech instructors in the United States is available on the IAL Web site. Some Spanish materials are also available.
Categories: Head and Neck, Oral, Other Cancers, Educational Programs , Health Professional Referrals, Support Groups
International Myeloma Foundation
Suite 206
12650 Riverside Drive
North Hollywood, CA 91607
Local Phone: 818-487-7455 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
Free Line: 1-800-452-2873 (1-800-452-CURE) (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is dedicated to improving the quality of life of myeloma patients while working toward prevention and a cure. The IMF Hotline answers questions from patients and family members and provides information about medical services, pharmaceutical access, and patient support groups. Free IMF publications include the IMF Multiple Myeloma Patient Handbook; Multiple Myeloma: A Concise Review of the Disease and Treatment Options; and the Understanding Series – treatment specific brochures on new therapies and clinical trials. The Foundation conducts Patients & Family Seminars to educate patients on the latest information about current therapies, research advances, and emerging treatment options. A comprehensive network of support groups from around the world are also available to assist patients and their families. The IMF operates Bank-On-A-Cure®, a unique global gene bank to advance myeloma research. The IMF's research grant program funds research projects around the world for both multiple myeloma and amyloidosis.
Categories: Multiple Myeloma, Educational Programs , Support Groups
International Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation
6144 Clark Center Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34238
Local Phone: 941-927-4963 (Responds to calls in English only) Fax: 941-927-4467
The International Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF) provides encouragement and support to people with Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WM) and offers information and education programs that address patient's concerns, and promotes and supports research leading to a cure. The IWMF offers many patient publications, including a New Patient Information Package (Info Pak). IWMF-Talk is an e-mail talklist for discussion of every aspect of WM (available in English, French, German, Spanish, Nordic Countries, U.K.). Telephone Lifeline Support provides telephone numbers of IWMF volunteers who will answer questions about their first-hand experience with specific treatment for WM. IWMF also provides telephone and e-mail network lists that connect patients and caregivers. IWMF provides funding to researchers studying a treatment or cure for Waldenstrom macrogloblinemia or related blood cancer. Information on the Web site is available in French, Spanish, and German.
Categories: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Educational Programs , Support Groups
Kidney Cancer Association
Post Office Box 96503
Washington, DC 20090
Local Phone: 847-332-1051 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
Free Line: 1-800-850-9132 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The Kidney Cancer Association (KCA) is a charitable organization made up of patients, family members, physicians, researchers, and other health professionals globally. The KCA offers a variety of services: educating patients and families and helping those with kidney cancer cope with the disease, advancing medical research and providing education for physicians and nurses, and serving as an advocate on behalf of patients. Contact the Nurse Hotline to find answers to questions about the treatment of kidney cancer and referrals to physicians in the United States. The KCA Web site provides free publications, calendars for support groups and patient conferences, online forums and chat rooms, and videos and podcasts. KCA responds to calls in English and Spanish.
Categories: Kidney, Other Cancers, Advocacy, Health Professional Referrals, Support Groups
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
3 International Drive, Suite 200
Rye Brook, NY 10573
Free Line: 1-800-955-4572 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) is dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and services to patients and caregivers. Support services include local support groups, online chat, an online patient community, and peer-to-peer support that links patients and their families with a trained volunteer who has experienced a similar situation. Additional resources include educational programs, publications, home-care services, financial assistance, and information tailored to caregivers. Information specialists are available over-the-phone to assist with questions related to diagnosis and treatment, financial and social challenges, and support. Information is available in Spanish, with language interpretation available in 170 languages. LLS has chapter offices located throughout the United States and Canada.
Categories: Hodgkin Lymphoma, Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Other Cancers, General Living Expenses, Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Medication (includes co-payments), Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Inc.
P.O. Box 200
White Horse Beach, MA 02381
The Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance’s (LBCA) mission is to make all who are touched by invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) aware of its unique characteristics and the critical need for more ILC research; to be the go-to source for information on ILC studies, clinical trials and educational tools; to foster partnerships among patients, scientists, clinicians, and breast cancer organizations to increase dialogue about ILC and research advocacy; and to fund vital ILC research. LBCA provides comprehensive, scientifically vetted and downloadable patient information in 16+ languages on our website, links to clinical trials accepting patients with lobular breast cancer and links to other patient supports and resources. Our primary audience is individuals who have or have had lobular breast cancer and their family and friends. We have an international scientific advisory board and an international following and individuals who receive our monthly newsletter. Resources are available in English and Spanish.
Categories: International, Screening, Treatment, Advocacy, Counseling, Educational Programs , Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
1615 L Street
Suite 430
Washington, DC 20036
Free Line: 1-877-363-6376 (1-877-END-MESO) (Responds to calls in English only)
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (Meso Foundation) is a nonprofit collaboration of patients and families, physicians, advocates, and researchers dedicated to eradicating mesothelioma. The Meso Foundation aims to provide up-to-date information on the disease and its treatment, as well as to connect patients and families with specialists, support resources and community. Mesothelioma experts are available over-the-phone and via email. Patients traveling for an initial consultation and those enrolled in a clinical trial may be eligible for reimbursement of travel-related expenditures.
Categories: Mesothelioma, Lodging & Travel, Advocacy, Educational Programs , Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
5th Floor
383 Main Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06851
Local Phone: 203-229-0464 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-866-603-6628 (available M-F, 9am-7pm ET)
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) provides information for patients with multiple myeloma and other types of plasma cell disorders. In addition to resources specific to the disease, including information on signs and symptoms, initial diagnosis, and treatment options, a variety of publications and educational programs are available for patients and their caregivers. The MMRF also provides information on finding a treatment center, support groups, and financial assistance programs. Nurse Patient Navigators offer information and support over-the-phone, via email and through social media. Select publications are available in Spanish.
Categories: Multiple Myeloma, Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Lodging & Travel, Medication (includes co-payments), Treatment, Educational Programs , Health Professional Referrals, Support Groups
National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
Suite 108
20411 West 12 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48076
Local Phone: 248-358-1886 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-546-5268 (1-800-LINK-BMT) (Responds to calls in English only)
The National Bone Marrow Transplant Link (nbmtLink) is a nonprofit organization specifically serving stem cell transplant patients, their caregivers, families, and health professionals. The nbmtLink provides information and support services, including a volunteer peer support program, resource referrals for patients and health professionals, and educational guides, videos, and Webcasts. The free nbmtLINK Online Library contains hundreds of journal articles, booklets, and reference materials, as well as comprehensive links to additional online information. Information on how to become a donor is also available.
Categories: Hodgkin Lymphoma, Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Other Cancers, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
National Brain Tumor Society
55 Chapel Street, Suite 200
Newton, MA 02458
Local Phone: 617-924-9997
The National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the brain tumor community in the United States. They are committed to improving the lives of all those affected by brain tumors. NBTS supports research initiatives which advance the understanding of brain tumors in order to find new and more effective treatments. NBTS provides free publications, such as "Frankly Speaking about Cancer: Brain Tumors," a resource guide that provides information on brain tumors in an easy-to-read format. NBTS also has information on their website to help brain tumor survivors and their families connect with support programs and organizations.
Categories: Brain, Advocacy, Support Groups
National Cervical Cancer Coalition
PO Box 13827
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Local Phone: 818-992-4242 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-685-5531 (Responds to calls in English only)
The National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving women with, or at risk for, cervical cancer and HPV disease. Its mission is to promote prevention through education about early vaccination, Pap testing and HPV testing, when recommended. Services include access to online educational materials (publications, videos and webinars), a variety of patient and family support resources, and information on free/low-cost Pap testing. Some resources are available in Spanish.
Categories: Cervical, Screening, Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
The National Children's Cancer Society
500 North Broadway
Suite 1850
St. Louis, MO 63102
Local Phone: 314-241-1600 (General) (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-532-6459 (1-800-5-FAMILY) (Responds to calls in English only)
The National Children’s Cancer Society (NCCS) provides emotional, financial and educational support to children with cancer, their families and survivors. Types of financial assistance available include emergency assistance for living expenses, travel costs related to cancer treatment, and college scholarships for childhood cancer survivors. NCCS also provides information and support during and after treatment, including information on the late effects of childhood cancer and a list of long-term follow up clinics. Please visit the website for more details about the services offered by NCCS.
Categories: Childhood, General Living Expenses, Health Insurance (includes co-payments), Lodging & Travel, Scholarships & Camps, Support Groups
National Lymphedema Network
2288 Fulton St.
Suite 307
Berkeley, CA 94704
Local Phone: 510-809-1660 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-800-541-3259 (Responds to calls in English only)
The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) provides education and guidance to lymphedema patients, health care professionals, and the general public by providing information on the prevention and management of primary and secondary lymphedema. The NLN provides referrals to lymphedema treatment centers, health care professionals, training programs, and support groups. Lymphedema garments are also available for patients who meet eligibility criteria. Limited information is available in Spanish. Information is available on the website or via the toll-free number. If you call the toll-free number, you may need to leave a voicemail message.
Categories: Childhood, Medical Supplies, Wigs, Prostheses , Treatment, Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
SHARE Cancer Support
165 West 46th Street
Suite 712
New York, NY 10036
SHARE Cancer Support is a national nonprofit that supports, educates, and empowers anyone who has been diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancers. SHARE provides educational programs, webinars, online support groups, and individual helplines for ovarian cancer, breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, uterine/endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, and caregivers. The helpline connects people to a survivor or caregiver who can listen and provide education about an individual's diagnosis and treatment and connect with a peer whose situation is similar. Online resources and the Helpline are available in Spanish.
Categories: Screening, Treatment, Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
1086 Teaneck Road, Suite 3A
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Local Phone: 201-833-2341
Free Line: 1-866-474-2774
Sharsheret, Hebrew for “chain”, is a national organization which supports young Jewish woman and families facing breast and ovarian cancer. They offer a peer support network that connects women newly diagnosed or at high risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer with others who share similar diagnoses and experiences. They also provide support and education programs addressing advanced breast cancer, genetics, parenting, cosmetic side effects of treatment as well as programs for caregivers and those facing ovarian cancer. Genetic counselors are available to discuss family history, concerns about cancer risk and the implications of genetic counseling. Sharsheret’s programs are open to all women and men.
Categories: Breast, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer
Post Office Box 53
Locust Valley, NY 11560
Free Line: 1-800-377-0928 (Responds to calls in English only)
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the emotional and physical needs of people with oral and head and neck cancer. The organization offers support groups facilitated by local chapters; current information on oral and head and neck cancer through its newsletter, "News From SPOHNC,"; free publications on topics such as treatment for head and neck cancer and dental care, recipes and resource guide to cope with eating challenges, and a survivor’s guide. SPOHNC also offers a National Survivor Volunteer Network, which pairs survivors or family members with volunteers who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment program.
Categories: Head and Neck, Oral, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 1545
New York, NY 10159
Free Line: 1-877-588-7904 (Responds to calls in English and Spanish)
The Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. (ThyCa) is a national nonprofit organization of thyroid cancer survivors, families, and health care professionals dedicated to educate, communicate, and support early detection for thyroid cancer. ThyCa offers a toll-free survivors’ line, publications, e-mail support groups, local support groups, a person-to-person network, newsletters, and conferences. ThyCa also offers a free packet of educational materials for newly diagnosed patients. In addition, ThyCa is active in raising funds and providing grants for thyroid cancer research. The organization has volunteers who are fluent in Spanish, and sections of the Web site are available in Spanish.
Categories: Other Cancers, Thyroid, Health Professional Referrals, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Ulman Foundation
1215 East Fort Avenue
Suite 104
Baltimore, MD 21230
Local Phone: 410-964-0202 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-888-393-3863 (1-888-393-FUND) (Responds to calls in English only)
Ulman Foundation creates a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer. Ulman Navigators (available by phone & email, or onsite in Maryland & D.C.) provide a person-centered approach to patient care. They help to facilitate communication, fertility preservation, emotional and practical support. Ulman sponsors meet-ups and support groups in the Maryland/DC area, offers a national scholarship program for survivors and loved ones between the ages of 15 - 39, and a free run/walk exercise program for cancer survivors.
Categories: Childhood, Scholarships & Camps, Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
Young Survival Coalition
80 Broad Street
Suite 1700
New York, NY 10004
Local Phone: 646-257-3000 (Responds to calls in English only)
Free Line: 1-877-972-1011 (1-877-YSC-1011) (Responds to calls in English only)
The Young Survival Coalition (YSC) focuses on issues unique to young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. YSC works with survivors, caregivers, and the medical, research, advocacy, and legislative communities to improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients age 40 and younger. YSC can help young survivors find a support group, or match survivors with volunteers who’ve had a similar experience. YSC offers online resources including educational and support materials, discussion boards, and information about conferences and symposia. Some publications are available in Spanish, and Spanish-speaking volunteers are available to serve as survivor matches in its peer-support program.
Categories: Breast, Advocacy, Educational Programs , Peer/Buddy Programs , Support Groups
ZERO the End of Prostate Cancer
515 King Street Suite 420 Alexandria, VA 22314 Free Line: 844-244-1309 (Patient Support)
ZERO's mission is to end prostate cancer by advancing research, encouraging action, and providing education and support to men and their families. Direct services include patient support to help patients navigate insurance services, provide transportation assistance, locate financial resources, and find emotional support. ZERO maintains a national database of free or low-cost prostate cancer screening sites.
Categories: Screening, Support Groups